
Bugs & Wishes

The Call Graph View

The call graph view shows a graph built up around the currently selected function, which is the node centered on the grey-blended pyramid in the background. Each node represents a function, and each edge represents calls.

Cost shown per function is the cost spent while that function and the selected function are running. I.e. suppose a function C called both from A and B; in the call-graph of A, cost of node C only gives the cost when called from A, not any cost while called from B.

Doubleclicking on a node selects this function. This is the best way for fast browsing the call graph of your application.

The graph is limited by various configurable options. Default values are:

  • the minimum cost for both nodes and edges to be shown is 5 % of the selected function
  • the maximum caller distance to selected function is 2
  • the maximum callee distance to selected function is unlimited